Download the National Tree Map™ with MasterMap®

Get the National Tree Map™ here


The National Tree Map™ is an online database that provides detailed information on the location, height and canopy extends of trees across England and Wales. is designed to help individuals and organisations better understand the distribution and characteristics of trees across the country.

Coverage: England, Scotland & Wales
Formats: CAD (DWG & DXF)
Options: Colour, black & white
Printable scales: 1:100 – 1:10,000
Stated accuracy: Urban +/- 1m, rural +/- 2.5m, moorland / mountain +/- 8m
Updates: Regular
Delivery: Within seconds of ordering
Licence options: 12 months (other options available on request)
Projection: OSGB36 geodetic datum using Transverse Mercator projection
Grid: British National Grid

What is the National Tree Map™?
The National Tree Map™ offers the most detailed dataset of all trees of 3m or higher in height in England, Scotland and Wales, including location, height, and canopy/crown extents.

How do I know if my tree has TPO?
To know if a tree has a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) in the UK, you can check with your local council or the planning authority responsible for the area where the tree is located. You can do this by visiting their website, contacting them by phone or email, or visiting their offices in person. Alternatively, you can also check with the Land Registry, which holds information on land and property ownership, including details of TPOs.

What is a Tree Map used for?
It is used in a variety of sectors, including local and central government, surveyors, arboriculturists and architects, to save time and money when recording tree detail.

What is the National tree dataset?
It's a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive dataset that includes the location, height, and canopy/crown extents of every tree 3m and taller.

How accurate is the National Tree Map™?
The accuracy is >90% of canopy coverage (>95% within 50m of buildings).

What does the National Tree Map™ include?
The National Tree Map™ includes all trees and bushes over 3m in height.

Where can I find the meaning of all the numbers included in the National Tree Map™ layers?
You can find all the different layers provided with the National Tree Map™ here.

What does TPO mean for a tree?
A Tree Preservation Order is an order issued by an English local planning authority to protect single trees, groups of trees, or forests.

How is the National Tree Map™ created?
It’s created with high-resolution national aerial photography, precise topography and surface data, and colour infrared imaging, all combined with cutting-edge processing techniques.

Where can the National Tree Map™ be used at?
It’s used in a range of industries, including architecture, planning, utilities management, forestry, government and environmental management.

OS MasterMap® with National Tree Map™ DWG
OS MasterMap® with National Tree Map™ DXF
Trusted by
Premier Energy Grimshaw Amey BDP

Practical Tools to Enhance Your MasterMap®


Auto Outline

Outline a property’s boundary on MasterMap<sup>®</sup> quickly and accurately.


Additional layers to add to your OS MasterMap<sup>®</sup> including contours, freehold boundaries, building heights and aerial photography.


Automatically fit MasterMap<sup>®</sup> to your desired paper size and scale.


The Rectangle tool selects the portion of MasterMap<sup>®</sup> that you wish to purchase. You can also use the Polygon or Set Area tools for a different shape of mapping.

Save Area

You can save MasterMap<sup>®</sup> search for a future purchase and easy access using the reference name of your choice.

Snap to Point

Snap to point helps to outline a piece of your property accurately on OS MasterMap<sup>®</sup>.

MasterMap®’s Different Uses

The Telecoms Surveyor

‘I use MapServe to download the Ordnance Survey MasterMap® in CAD format based around the mast site. I also use the preview maps and aerial photography on the site to establish access points for on-site visits.’

The Architect

‘I was previously with Promap but I switched to MapServe which is simple, quick and clear compared to the rest of the providers.’ I mainly order OS MasterMap in DWG format.

The Town Planner

‘I use MapServe's mapping service to download the OS MasterMap® in DWG format based around the mast site. I also use the preview maps and aerial photography on the site to establish access points for on-site visits.’

The Transport Planning Consultant

‘I mainly use MasterMap® in coloured and black and white DWG formats. I need mapping that covers ± 300 m from the site that I then upload to AutoCAD in order to create the appropriate plans.’

The Arboricultural Consultant

‘I use my integrated tree software to plot the trees and its positions and then I create different layers using the Ordnance Survey MasterMap on AutoCAD to create the reports. The plans that I get from MapServe work in correspondence with the reports that I write to my clients.’

The Structural Engineer

'I use MapServe®'s MasterMap® in black and white CAD format with the addition of 1m contour lines a lot. The contour lines help with the sites to determine if I need to create retaining walls or any other support mechanism and just to understand the ground profile.'

Maps That Work With How You Work

Our mapping will work with a large range of CAD, GIS and graphics software including AutoCAD.