About Us

What makes us different

We’re constantly striving to provide the best user experience and mapping available so that now we’re one of the most highly rated professional mapping sites in the UK.

We also ensure our mapping is sensibly priced and that we offer free previews of the most detailed mapping, which to this day, some of our competitors still charge for.

Lastly, we’re offer a unique mix of professional mapping and options such as MasterMap® from the Ordnance Survey, 1m contours, freehold boundaries and much more.

What we offer

What we offer

Our story so far

MapServe® is a professional mapping and geospatial service brought to you by Passinc Ltd. We started way back in 2012 in South West London and have grown many times over to become one of the UK’s largest in the sector. We’ve delivered many thousands of maps so far to a diverse range of professional customers, from architects to surveyors to arboculturalists to energy companies and many others.

We’re also a proud OS Partner.

Trusted by
Premier Energy Grimshaw Amey BDP