Easily access DWG maps and plans of the 50 largest cities in the UK using the following link or the Eastings and Northings provided.
At MapServe® we offer the most updated and detailed maps of the UK, including Ordnance Survey MasterMap® in CAD, PDF, GML and PNG formats. MasterMap® is regularly updated by the OS every 6 weeks. You can read all about MasterMap® here. We have selected the top 50 largest cities in the UK for easy access to each city. Please note that you need to login or register first in order to access the map directly. Alternatively, you can use the Easting/Northing details provided here to access the respective city.
The latest OS maps in DWG format are accessible here
Get access to the latest OS MasterMap® update of each city. The default scale is 1:1250 but you can easily change the format, scale and size of the map using our handy tools provided. You can find more information on how to place an order on MapServe® here.