What Are the 4 Different Types of OS Maps?

Written by Stefani Mavrou on

A list of all Ordnance Survey Maps available on MapServe®. You need to register or login for an account first and then look for the area that you want on our website. 

Download the latest OS maps here

OS MasterMap®

The largest, most detailed and updated database in the United Kingdom that records every fixed feature in Great Britain greater than a few metres in a single continuous digital map. it is constantly reviewed and updated by the Ordnance Survey on a regular basis. 

OS MasterMap sample

Contains: Buildings, roads, tracks, walkways, railroads, rivers, lakes, ponds, constructions, land parcels and much more

Coverage: the UK (Great Britain is available on our website)

Update: every 6 weeks


Read more about OS MasterMap® here.

OS MasterMap® 3D

OS MasterMap® 3D provides an excellent 3D depiction of buildings and landscapes, making it perfect for preliminary site evaluation, building massing studies, and shadow analysis, amongst other applications.

It incorporates the topography layer, building height data, and OS Terrain 5 terrain height data into a single file, saving time and money compared to constructing such a model from scratch.

OS 3D MasterMap sample

Contains: Buildings, roads, tracks, walkways, railroads, rivers, lakes, ponds, constructions, land parcels, building heights and much more

Coverage: the UK (Great Britain is available on our website)

Update: Base map - every 6 weeks

               Building heights - quarterly (January, April, July, October)

Format: DWG, DXF

Software compatibility: AutoCAD

Read more about OS MasterMap® 3D here.

OS Overview Map

OS Overview Map (or VectorMap® Local has a variety of rich, detailed mapping characteristics and elements that enhance context data and in-depth analysis, compared to other similar data sources. The vector format of the map includes prebuilt colour selections. VectorMap® Local is automatically created from the OS Large Scale Topographic database (used for OSMM Topo), enhancing credibility and reliability to provide accurate and dependable real-world geospatial data. It is a backdrop map to OS MasterMap® which provides less detail but it is great for larger areas.

OS VectorMap Local sample

Contains roads, railways, vegetation, boundaries, urban extents, buildings, fences and water information.

Coverage: Great Britain

Update: Every quarter (January, April, July, October)

Format: DWG, DXF

Click for more information.

OS Road Map

Highlights transportation routes such as highways, trains, and airports. It includes both local and major roads. Private roads and shorter cul-de-sacs are the only ones not depicted. It is only available in raster. 

OS Road map sample

Contains: Motorways, A-roads, B-roads, road names, primary route information, motorways

Coverage: Great Britan

Update: Twice a year (April, November)

Format: PNG